It’s only a small city, but the Yellow City is an intriguing place and well worth your time if you’re interested in Mayan culture. A last minute addition, we’re glad we went.
We rented a car and took off on our Yucatan road trip. It was the perfect mix of beaches, Spanish-built cities and Mayan sites. Was it safe? Was it fun? Indeed it was…
From the sophisticated city of Mérida we headed for the end of the road in Celestún to see thousands of flamingos. Then it was south to the old walled city of Campeche.
Uxmal is one of the Yucatan’s most beautiful Mayan sites. Even better, within a short drive are another four Mayan ruins. Come along. We visited them all.
We were tired coming into Valladolid. But a great hotel perked us up. Also, the Casa de Los Venados house and Ek Balam ruins were spectacular – not to be missed.