Two concepts to help you plan your travel: the Japanese practice of Shinrin Yoku or “forest bathing”, and “blue mind” which promotes the benefits of being near water. Are they for you?
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Start with loads of sunshine, add the friendly people, great food (especially the custard tarts), bargain-priced wine and overall affordability, and you have lots of reasons for visiting Lisbon.
Yes, people visit the Majestic Café for the stunning art nouveau interior, but for many it has more to do with J.K. Rowling drinking and writing at these tables. How about you?
Here’s what you need to think about: your transmission (manual or automatic), size of car (think small), highway tolls (yes, get the transponder), a GPS (especially in villages).
Don’t pay more for your airfare than you have to. With these tips you’ll get the best deals and save your money for more important things – like better wine with your meals.
If Slovenia isn’t on your travel list, maybe it should be. And since it’s the first country to be declared a “green country” perhaps camping is the way to go. Have a look!